Sunday, November 8, 2015

My 7 Year Old's Favorite Movie of All Time

I recently asked my 7 year old what his favorite movie of all time was. His answer, "Jurassic World." This is a recent movie for us even though it's been out for a little while. We watched it as a family about a month ago. Before letting my kids watch the new one, I made them watch the 3 older Jurassic Park movies just so they would have the sotry line nailed down. It was a journey back to our youth for my husband and me. We thoroughly enjoyed watching the older Jurassic Park classics with our children. We hadn't seen them in so many years and it was almost nostalgic.

Once those were done, we watched the new one and I have to say that I was thoroughly impressed with the graphics and mechanical animation of the dinosaurs. Comparing all of the animatronics to the older movies made me realize just how far we have come in technology in movies.

Here is the trailer to the new Jurassic World: Jurassic World

And just for reference sake, here are the official movie images for side by side comparison.

Great Movie Reference Resource

Do you ever find yourself sitting around with a group of friends or family and you just cannot for the life of you remember who played in a specific movie or television show? Just this evening, my husband and I were trying to remember if Jonathon Taylor Thomas had a twin in real life for the part he played in Home Improvement. Random, I know, but in today's age of technology, we found the answer very easily. I grabbed my phone and went to my handy dandy IMDB app. You can look up pretty much anything about movies or television shows with this website or app. You can even reference famous lines from movies. "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." Had to sneak that Dirty Dancing reference in there.

You can check out the website here: IMDB

Or download the app here: IMDB app

My Top Kids Movie

I have 3 children and watching kids movies is something that we do often. We've seen Cars probably 1000 times, Little Mermaid 500, and the list goes on. My all time favorite kids movie would have to be Toy Story. The first one was the best but the other's are good as well. I even hear they're releasing an additional movie in 2017.

The storyline has a great message about being loyal and faithful to your friends no matter what kind of trouble you're in. I think that this message is good for kids to learn early on. The characters are cute and relatable (many resemble toys that kids own or have owned, like Barbie). It's also an enjoyable flick for adults as well. There is a little side adult humor in some lines and most kids wouldn't pick up on. There are also recognizable famous voices of the characters, such as Tim Allen and Tom Hanks.

Check out the trailer here if you haven't ever seen it or need a little humor: Toy Story Trailer

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Favorite Movie of All Time

It's so hard for me to pick just 1 favorite movie of all time. But I would have to say "Dirty Dancing" takes the cake. I can probably quote this movie word for word, even the soundtrack. I think that the story of young, summer love that eventually ends is enticing. It's a movie that I can watch 100 times and never get tired of it. I always seem to see something that I haven't in a scene in a previous viewing.

Something about Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey dancing, makes you want to fall in love all over again. Ha okay maybe not but it does take you right to the Kellerman's in the Catskill's. Kellerman's was actually a resort called Mountain Lake Resort in Southwest Virginia. To this day, I would probably give anything to visit that place just to take me to that time throughout the movie. Check out the resort here: The Real Kellerman's

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday Night Movie: Lord of War

Sunday's are usually very relaxing days for my family and me. We tend to lay around after church and watch movies all afternoon and evening. Today, since it was the day after Halloween, we vegged out on the night before's profits, Halloween candy. The movie for the parents this evening was Lord of War, starring Nicholas Cage and Jerrod Leto (the kiddies were watching cartoons in the playroom.)

This movie was pretty good. I'm not usually a fan of this genre, which I don't even know what you would call it because it wasn't really action or drama. I'm also not a big fan of Nick Cage but I can stand him. This was more of a documentary type drama, I guess. The story was basically about a guy who decides to start in the gun trade business during the Cold War in the 1980's. Once that's over, he is out of luck and tries to find any way he can to traffic his arms and ammunition all while dodging the law. 
Here's the trailer if you fancy: