Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Favorite Movie of All Time

It's so hard for me to pick just 1 favorite movie of all time. But I would have to say "Dirty Dancing" takes the cake. I can probably quote this movie word for word, even the soundtrack. I think that the story of young, summer love that eventually ends is enticing. It's a movie that I can watch 100 times and never get tired of it. I always seem to see something that I haven't in a scene in a previous viewing.

Something about Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey dancing, makes you want to fall in love all over again. Ha okay maybe not but it does take you right to the Kellerman's in the Catskill's. Kellerman's was actually a resort called Mountain Lake Resort in Southwest Virginia. To this day, I would probably give anything to visit that place just to take me to that time throughout the movie. Check out the resort here: The Real Kellerman's

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